Top-quality is anything but an empty phrase

Our top quality is based on an absolutely sound quality management system that has been certified to ISO 9001 since 1995.

We not only have a clear target catalogue, but also a quality and test plan which we coordinate with you.

Our highly skilled employees in quality control, as well as high-end measuring tools assure absolutely precise measurements of high complex geometries.

A sustainable continuously improved manufacturing process is important for us.

This is confirmed by independent international certification institutes.

You can rely on our integrated management system.

We guarantee products of highest quality manufactured to all the latest technical standards!

High precision measuring instruments

Höhenmessmaschine der METUSAN TURNING GmbH

Height Measuring Instrument

Schnittprobe unter Lichtmikroskop bei der METUSAN TURNING GmbH

Conventional digital optical microskopy

Automatisches optisches Messmikroskop bei METUSAN TURNING GmbH

Automized digital optical microscopy
(with tactile probes)

Höhenmessmaschine der METUSAN TURNING GmbH

Automized rotational digital optical microscopy
(with tactile probes)


  • 10% of our employees active in QM and QC

  • Inspected and controlled state-of-the-art test equipment (that includes more than 2000 test gauges)

  • First article inspection acc. VDA (FAI)

  • Statistical process contol (SPC)

  • Aligned quality and test plan (customer specific)

  • Production part approval process (PPAP)

  • Advanced quality planning (FMEA)

  • Traceability (customer specific)

  • Material certificate ISO 10204


Wienerfeldstraße 6, 2120 Wolkersdorf
Telefon: +43 (0) 2245 3181 0
Fax: +43 (0) 2245 3181 34


Quality Management Certificates

Please download our certificates here: